Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Hi ho hi ho weddings away! In a recent tally of existence, it seems that my life has been taken over by two things: preparations for finals, and weddings. LOTS of weddings. After helping out with a wedding in March and one in May, I have graduated to full blown strawboss-hood. In just under two weeks, I get to take on a big wedding reception as the main person in charge. I am really excited about this! It’s the kind of situation where I figuratively crack my knuckles and say “Bring it ON!” The main stress about this is that it is directly after finals week. I have finals M-Th, and then wedding stuff on Friday and Saturday. It’s going to be a crazy busy week, but I look forward to being able to help a couple that I love very much.
That is one part of the wedding-y-ness in my life. Another couple that I love dearly is getting married in July. I have been aquanted with the bride for two years, and very close friends with the groom for a year. He and I saw each other through some of the nastiest, bottom-of-the-barrel, romance mill emotion that has come into our respective lives. That he is marrying an incredible woman who treats him like the amazing man he is, makes me extremely happy. I love happy endings! Life will not be easy for them to begin with, but I have seen what they are capable of dealing with, and they will be guided through it. I count it a high honor that I have been asked to help as these people that I care for deeply begin their lives together.


  1. You really want to be well organized for this. And you really don't want to piddle your precious minutes away with useless things like Terry Pratchett or Freecell. Trust me on this. And don't ask me how I know. Just trust me.

  2. Whether you make a big fuss, or just roll with the punches, it will turn out FABULOUS either way. That said, don't waste time. And make sure to always keep an eye on the big picture.
