Monday, November 15, 2010

21? Who, me? Really?

I turned 21 two weeks ago. I think there are few people as surprised about this development as I am. I have always been towards the younger side of everything: youngest daughter, last birthday in the YW of my age, youngest girl cousin in my close family, towards the young side of my branch people, etc. So the fact that I am not "the baby" anymore comes as a surprise to me fairly regularly. You would think I would adjust, but it hasn't happened yet.

Anyways, I celebrated with not one, but TWO parties. One was a dinner party with close friends on the actual day (a Sunday) and the other was a combined 007 theme party with a good friend whose birthday is less than a week before mine. They were both good times.

I have to say that I don't think anyone has ever had a more delightful and wonderful 21st birthday weekend. Over the course of three days, I participated in: a costume dance with lots of cool people and creative costumes (I went as Chiquita Banana in a really rockin' Hawaiian dress and fruit hat), decorating and attending the reception of two wonderful and beloved friends, and a dinner party with friends and family. My sweet boyfriend cleared his schedule so that we were able to spend the entire weekend together, and helped me with everything I had going on. My family and friends made a fuss over me with cards, in-person birthday wishes, Facebook, and phone calls, which is always a fun thing. And you know what I find best about the who thing? I remember it ALL! There are no memories of hangover, moments of blankness, or worries about the stupid things that I might have done but can't remember. I love that the standards of the gospel of Jesus Christ keep me safe and out of trouble.

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