Friday, April 16, 2010

Rachael's Recipes and More!

Hot diggety dog, peeps! I wasn’t going to make another recipe post this soon, but fun things have happened. One is blackberry lemonade, one is Mistborn, and one is Caro Emerald. What are these wonders, you ask? All in good time, my friends.

Blackberry lemonade
Make a simple syrup out of equal parts sugar and lemon juice (for example, ½ C. sugar to ½ C. juice)
Add an equal (another ½ C.) amount of berry juice (I buy bags of mixed berries from Aldi for about $2.50, thaw in the microwave, and strain the pulp until I get enough juice for whatever I need)
I also added the juice of one orange, but you don’t have to. To serve, chill the syrup and dilute to taste. It’s very cool if you add two or three frozen berries to garnish, and it tastes oh so yummy!

Next awesome thing: Mistborn. This is the first book of a trilogy by Brandon Sanderson, professor of creative writing at Brigham Young University. I read Mistborn, and was promptly sucked into a very absorbing world with human, believable characters and many and varied plot twists. If you like books that make you gasp, put your hands over your eyes, and stay up way too late reading, FIND THESE BOOKS! They are worth the effort to follow all the intricacies. I have started the second one (The Well of Ascension) and can hardly put it down.

And then last but certainly not least: Caro Emerald. First and foremost, know this: I do not like 99.9% of jazz. But I LOVE this singer! I was introduced to her awesomeness yesterday morning, and have listened to most of her songs that Youtube has up. Multiple times. Every day. She is SO GOOD! Just so you don’t have to take the time to look her up, here you go: I would not suggest watching the video if immodesty bothers you (shots in a swimming pool and the like), but the song is fabbity fab fab on many different levels. I love finding random things that bring me joy. I owe the last two to my favoritest Robzilla, so here is credit to the maestro of randomness.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I'm glad I don't have to disown you for not loving Mr. Sanderson.
