Saturday, April 24, 2010

Still more rambling

This is going to be a bit of a ramble-y post, detailing some of the things that have been happening and going through my head recently.
For starters, I am beginning to realize that stalking is much more of a commonality in the media than I had previously thought. For example: Twilight, The Phantom of the Opera, and this video: are all prime examples of that. *insert disturbed noises and shuddering right here* Much as I may love the first two, the fact remains: STALKERS!
Next topic of randomosity: My kiniseology (the study of muscles and movement) class is AMAZING! And it is really challenging, too. In the course of the next 8 weeks, I will learn 500+ muscles, as well as their function, origins, and insertions. But it’s fantastically interesting, and I look forward to it every week. However, Clinical Massage is my heart-baby. I LOVE massage therapy. And the more I learn about it, the more I love it. Each time we learn new techniques or routines, I think about how to customize it for the various people I know. For instance, someone who is 5”2’ and built like a toothpick is probably going to want lighter pressure and different strokes than a 6”5’ construction worker. I love how each massage is as unique as the people involved in giving and receiving it. I love the inherant trust that as a massage therapist, people give to me. I try to live my entire life, not just the time that I am in class, as a person who deserves that trust. The more I learn, the more I want to continue learning and the more I want to be a better person so I can contribute to society as a whole.
Lastly, it has been brought home to me that life is meant to be lived IN the moment, and regardless of what the future holds, enjoy what you have when you have it! As of a year ago, I would have been crushed and bewildered had I known where I am today. I don’t know where I will be in a year, but that is ok. I will enjoy where I am right now, and deal with tomorrow when it happens.


  1. I bet I'm the one who made you think of stalkers with my Phantom of the Opera status... lol

  2. Hahaha! You totally are, actually. And then it made me think about all of the other things. I didn't even talk about Facebook stalking!
